Wednesday, March 24, 2010

We Have Moved

Hello my darlings. This is going to be a very short post.
So after i posted my last blog which is titled Trust, I noticed that there is so much i can be doing to make my blog some sort of 'eye-candy' for you guys. SOOOOOO long story short...we have moved from Blogspot TO.......WORDPRESS =)
I like worpress better BUT blogspot has been good to me. So pls follow on wordpress too.
Thank you angels!
Smooches n Licks!

Monday, March 22, 2010


I have never updated 2 posts in one day. But i have too much on my mind for me to keep it in. I'm sorry but I cannot go into details with this one because it might just jeopardize my friendship. But all I can say is that Trust is very important. Watch what you tell people and WHO you tell..Simple.

Definition of Trust- From
reliance on the integrity, strength, ability, surety, etc., of a person or thing; confidence.
confident expectation of something; hope.

a person on whom or thing on which one relies: God is my trust. 

the condition of one to whom something has been entrusted.
the obligation or responsibility imposed on a person in whom confidence or authority is placed: a position of trust.
something committed or entrusted to one's care for use or safekeeping, as an office, duty, or the like; responsibility; charge.

to rely upon or place confidence in someone or something (usually fol. by in or to): to trust in another's honesty; trusting to luck.
to have confidence; hope: Things work out if one only trusts.

to have trust or confidence in; rely or depend on.
to believe.
trust to, to rely on; trust: Never trust to luck!

Some Women Be Bitches

So this past weekend was very eventful for so many reasons. Basically there were a lot of 'out of towners' in Atlanta for spring break and what not and a couple of my friends and I had some events set aside for all of us to partake in. Thursday was a calm night in with my cousin, Friday we all went out to Icon Lounge, I had fun although it could have been better! I got to see some folks I haven't seen since....well December tbh (i love Lagos). But Saturday was out of control.
...And now the story begins...
Imagine 5 people, 3 guys and 2 girls. Out of the 5 two are in a relationship. We all went to a bar downtown Atlanta to pre-game before our 'Crazy night ahead' or so we thought. Guy A = Will, Guy B = Brian, Guy C = Chris, Girl A = Me and Girl B = Leah. So like I said Leah and Will are in a relationship. As we are all walking towards the entrance of the Bar, Will tells Brian to look at some chick and encourages him to go and talk to her (Boys will be Boys). Leah gets EXTREMELY mad because in her mind that means Will was checking this mystery babe out and therefore she went mad...Literally. She caused a scene outside and a cop said if we didn't leave she's charge them with Domestic Violence. IT WASN'T EVEN THAT SERIOUS!!!
So we left the bar and made our to the Club. While in line Will decides to talk to Leah once again because she is standing behind everyone sulking. And YES as you can imagine that did not work out well at all. Leah was shouting and raising her voice complaining about how Will has done this before and even if he apologizes he's still going to continue, and she also went on to say some other stuff that I will not mention.
From my past experiences with guys and just knowing how some men think period, BOYS WILL BE BOYS! There is no stopping them from looking at another woman. It's in their DNA. Shit I'm sure half of our Father still do it. The only way it would be a major problem for me was if my Boyfriend then decided to take it upon himself and start talking to the babe due to the interest he had in her. If he's just looking then FINE. Honestly I would look too. Girls are beautiful =D. Plus I know myself, I'm pretty, I love my life, Love my skin color, Love ME period. I definitely will NOT start attacking my man in public because his eyes wondered for less than 5seconds. As long as he's coming home to me and is remaining faithful then I AM FINE!
Ladies...Be comfortable with yourselves and remember that you are in a relationship because your boyfriend chose to be with YOU and no other girl. At the end of the day, You just have to trust him. That's what a lot of relationships are based on anyways.
*deeeeeeep sigh*
~Side Note~ this really pissed me OFF. I felt really bad for Will. Poor baby. I just hope he doesn't become bitter.
Smooches n Licks

Friday, March 19, 2010

What Do You Call This?

How is it possible for ONE person to make you go through so many different emotions? Shit is crazy.
I'm just going to go right into it....i don't like emotions. I don't like talking about it (although I do), feeling it, needing it, hearing about it etc. For the past week or so I haven't been myself at all and I hate to admit that it's because of my damn emotions..they are trying to get the best of me but i will NOT allow it. I'm just in one of those " I don't care about anything around me" moods. Maybe that's just my selfish side coming out a little bit and to be honest I could care less.
Lately I've been angry, jealous, irritated, upset, happy about the opposite sex. Yeah...i said it. Guys have too many issues for me to deal with, and I'm sorry i am way too small to carry all that load on my poor back. I hate it when I'm trying to help someone and they shut me out completely, I do understand that people need space and what not but don't make me feel useless while you are at it.
My friend and I have been having awkward moments lately and I know it's not all about me but common buddy I was just trying to help.

Ok so this post was meant to be sent out Yesterday...this goes to show that clearly I have a lot on my mind and I can't seem to get my thoughts together...Just wanted you all to know how I think.
Smooches n Licks!
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