Thursday, December 3, 2009


Hello my darlings,
Ok for those of you who may have noticed, I'm SORRY I haven't posted a new blog in a while. Been uber busy with school and other stuff, I start finals next week so it's not going to get any better =(
BUT how have you all been doing? Good I hope!! Men i just LOVE this time of the year because I get to go to the Motherland (Nigeria) and be with fam =) *pure bliss*.
For those of you who may not be going back to Nigeria, i hope you have a wonderful time wherever you spend your Christmas holiday!
Although I've been busy with school and what not, I've also been a little distracted *wink* but sad thing is, I can't really tell you guys about it yet! I know I mentioned that i had a project I was working on...(wait DID I mention it? If I am...mention-ning it =D ) but yeah it's a work in progress and I will be sure to tell you all about it when I've reached my goal!
So BIRTHDAY is fast approaching people and i have NOTHING planned (smh)! It's the big 2-1 and the pressure is ON.....everybody and their Grandma keep asking me what I am doing for it but to be honest I don't know!
Oh well I'll figure it all out when I get to the Motherland.
Will be back soon my loves!
Meanwhile shoutout to my boo @Tkoftnt (follow him people) and go check out TnT's song Gidi Boy Swag they are FIRE!!!!!!
Smooches and Licks!

Wednesday, November 18, 2009


Hello my Blovers (Bloggers/Lovers...get it),
It's Wednesday Morning and i feel GREAT Tony the Tiger =D. Haven't posted anything in a minute and so i thought " Hmm why not?"
Anyways, my reality just set in! Was tweeting with my boo Halima (follow her @limlim2cute) and i realized today was the 18th!!!!! How can? I swear yday was the 3rd or something? Time flies men. That definitely means EXAMS are around the corner knocking on my door *C-R-I-N-G-E*
Only good thing about that Christmas Holidays are down the street! (hehe get it..around the corner...down the street???)
I don't have much to say, BUT i do want to say THANK YOU FATHER! I woke so happy and excited....Mi Madre is in Jerusalem with my Aunt and they seem to be having a blast. Dad is doing well =)..The Brother (Shane) is off work today I'm sure he's loving that, Dami and Dee are both good...all that = A Very Happy Sayo =)

But im going to get ready to START my day now. Somehow i wish there was a 'Start Day' button i could just push!
Smooches and Licks

Sunday, November 8, 2009


Happy Sunday people!
Hope you all had fun this weekend!! I've been busy with Basketball. NO I don't play ball, I just manage the Boys Varsity team at my school so I have to attend every game amongst other things. The season started on Friday and WE WON...woohoo!! Honestly I kind of wish i stuck to playing soccer after High school....seeing the boys play and how well they work together makes me want to be a part of some team, But all is well though!!!
This is going to be a short post because I have to get back to my work (I know it But I do want to wish you all a happy week! I feel great things are going to happen in my life this week, plus I have some very interesting projects I'm working on now...I will write another post on it during the course of the please stay tuned!

Smooches and Licks!

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Live.Love.Laugh Before It's too Late!

Hello my Darlings,
How did everyone's weekend turn out? Well i hope! *sigh* I stayed home for the most part watching TV, dancing, and catching up on my music game and what
not .
This post is very important to me because it's about my eldest brother Seun who passed away 5 years ago. About 10 minutes ago, i got off the phone with my Brother Shane (Hey bruv i miss you), and my sweet Mother (yes..I'm a 'mama's girl). I couldn't stop crying and thinking about him while my Mum was trying to calm me down, and thank God she did but now i have a splitting headache which doesn't feel very sexy.
No one knows this but I've been thinking about him for about 3 weeks now, just wondering what life would be like today if he was still around,I know for a fact he and I would still be cool, we'd probably be talking about Chris Brown's new video and how sick it is or something along those lines and obviously Shane would still be the big bully *sticks tongue out*. Seun's birthday is coming up (Nov. 3rd) he would have been 29 years old *sniff* that's old man and thinking about it makes me feel old too..*sigh* (my birthday countdown has begun btw 65days left).
I thank God for everything he's done in my life, there were some days when i just felt like giving up, but I didn't for one reason or the other. Honestly it was because of Suen that Shane and I have the type of friendship we do today.
December 2003 in Lagos (can't wait to go back), I remember there was no light lol, we were the only ones at home (even Baba went out -the gate-man/security -whatever you want to call him , the guy is MAD cool that's for sure). Obviously neither of us knew how to turn the generator on so we decided to sit in the dark and talk, which turned out to be GREAT. We spoke about everything you can possibly imagine, from school,friends, boys, parties, sports, music, family etc. While we were on the topic of family, my other brother Shane's name came up, and Seun asked why Shane and i never got along. I don't think it was anything personal...that's just how it is! I mean think about it, if you don't have the whole 'sibling rivalry' thing going on in your household i don't think you had a normal childhood (lol sorry but its true) UNLESS your siblings are WAY older than you. Shane and i are just 5years apart, he's a boy, I'm a girl (well I was a tomboy) so i thought I could do the same things he did but he thought otherwise and would literally beat me up JUST BECAUSE, and like I said..I was a tomboy so you know I definitely wasn't having it either. ANYWAYS..Seun pretty much told me be nicer to Shane and made it seem as though I was the better sibling and blah blah blah and VOILA!!! Nobody can tell me NOTHING (Kanye Voice) I LOVE my brother Shane so much, there's nothing he won't do for me and vice versa!
Don't take the people in your life for granted: everyone is in your life for a REASON. Love you all!!!!

Smooches and Licks

Friday, October 30, 2009

Why are we SO into Social Networking sites?

Before i start i do want to say a huge THANK YOU to my two followers (CharlieCran and Jen- you guys are awesome) AND to my so glad you guys like the blog so far, i appreciate the LOVE..i hope this blog entertains you during your lectures (Dabz), study breaks, trips etc.. Licksssssss to u ALL =).
Ok so I’m sure everyone is pretty familiar with Twitter, Facebook, MySpace, Hi5 and many other social networking sites. I must say I do love the idea of all these sites because it’s an easier way to keep in touch with friends and family who may be in other parts of the world. I’m a member of both Twitter and Facebook. I LOVE Twitter but tolerate Facebook, lol ok let me not lie I did have my obsession with Facebook in the past and before that it was Hi5... now who remembers Hi5??? Lol this was THE best social website when I was in High School. Seems like the more testimonials you had on your page the ‘cooler’ you were… *sigh* gone are the days where people begged each other to write testimonials and all that good stuff. Soon after High School Hi5 was getting old and people were looking for the next best thing...and thankfully that's when Facebook was introduced to a lot of us. Now this social site was wayyy cooler than Hi5 because initially it was meant for ‘ College/Uni students’ and it made us feel as though we were 'THE SHIT' seeing as we just got out of high school and the whole 'senior vs juvee' situation was still very serious, UNTIL those in high school found their way in..but like i said 'Gone are the days'. Plus Facebook was just a big upgrade, you were able to ‘find’ people that you hadn’t seen or heard from in YEARS so for the most part it was very very interesting. Then came the different applications and profile changes which was fun for some people but not all. Then I heard about Twitter. *pure bliss* I love these sites and would like to find out what they are about from personal experience rather than what somebody else told me about it.
**I love taking risks…"If you have the opportunity to do something that isn’t going against your beliefs, make the most of it and enjoy it" – LexiBanks =) **
So I joined Twitter back in April I believe, initially because I heard a lot of celebrities tweeted and I kind of wanted to know (stalk) The Kardashian sisters because I just think they are disgusting (fierce). But then a lot of my friends started joining which was just great because at least I could tweet people I actually knew lol. I’ve loved Twitter ever since and because of that it makes me want to get rid of my Facebook- only reason it’s still active is because a lot of my ‘friends’ don’t know anything about twitter and I just like to look at albums anyway-
Here’s a little clip for all my Tweeples, my friend Tayo sent it to me…( Hi Sophie..heheh)

TWITTER ROCKS! lol...and i honestly do get depressed when my ubertwitter or tweetdeck is down or even Twitter itself...*sigh* whenever that happens im FORCED to get on Facebook *yuck*

Hope you guys have a great weekend, and to those who are going to Halloween Parties and all, ENJOY!

Smooches and Licks

Monday, October 26, 2009

Love the Skin You're in =)..i know i DO!!!

Hey everyone how did your weekend turn out? Hopefully it was better than mine. Didn't do much at all, although I did come across an arrogant little fellow and this is how it happened.... This past weekend was Spelhouse Homecoming(Spelman and Morehouse College), my room mate told me about the various events they had going on and invited me to go with her so i did. Honestly its not my scene and i would have had more fun elsewhere but i went just so i could get out the house. As we were walking to go meet up with some friends, a group of guys walk by and one of them said towards our direction..."You cute, but you too dark skinned"...mind you he was 'light skinned' not mixed race or anything. I didn't respond to him because i was wayyyy to shocked to even think plus he can't even speak well, i mean what is " YOU TOO CUTE?" hissss
This little incident was on my mind for a bit and maybe it's just me but i just can't seem to find a solution as to why he would even open his mouth to say such!!
Personally i LOVE my complexion and think its gorgeous, i think I'm a pretty girl and i thank God for the body and skin he put me in =)
Ladies just love yourselves no matter what people may have said to you or what you've heard. Be comfortable in your skin and LIVE.LAUGH&LOVE.
Happy Monday

Smooches and Licks

Friday, October 23, 2009

Let's Start Over...

Back in May i started this blog and thought i was going to update at LEAST every other day if not more. Obviously that didn't work out as well as i had planned. So i have decided to start over.
So about ME..The name is Sayo aka Lexi Banks, live in the States and have been here for about 5years now. Grew up in London and went to Secondary school in Nigeria (loved EVERY part of it if i may add). Met some of the best people while i was there, and I'm happy to call them 'friends'.Speaking of friends, there's this one particular friend of mine who REALLY encouraged me to write again...he's my ex-boyfriend known him for THE longest time and we still have a great friendship. But anyways, while he and i were talking, i told him about how much i missed writing and blogging..long story short he told me to stop procrastinating and start writing again which is another main reason why you are reading this today.
Lately been reading a lot of blogs from friends blogs to 'fashion' blogs and i was inspired to start writing again. Honestly, you never know anyone's story and i find blogging peaceful and warming to the heart.
Also about a week ago while i was on twitter **follow me btw ** i had tweeted about how i was shy and i wanted to just 'do things without being shy' and my friend Ore **follow her too ** said to me and i quote..
" Whatever it is just do it!!!! Let go of the shyness, live for the moment :)"
and immediately i thought about blogging so here i am =).

Smooches and Licks!

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Mr. Right

So about 3weeks ago, MDB and i were talking and obviously the topic of "guys" came up. She was telling me how she wanted to tell...(lets call him Todd) that she didn't want them to continue "talking" due to the fact that he lives in the UK and she lives here in the States. As she was preparing to tell him she was so scared and nervous about the whole thing because she still had a lot of feelings for him and she knew it was going to hurt him. --If you ask me though, i'd say he was close to being in love with her--anyway, she finally told him and he seemed to be a bit confused about what she wanted and what she was thinking, he seemed a little rude for a while but then i guess he decided to let it go and just agree to what it was she was saying. That's when i thought about the whole "relationship" thing and how important it was to TRY and find that Mr.Right.
--Every girl wants to meet her Mr.Right but no girl can predict who he is, what he looks like, how old he is etc. So i wonder to myself sometimes..."if by chance i met my Mr.Right, would i be able to recognize him? will i be nice to him or think he's 'just another guy' or will i keep him around?". So many 20 somethings out there are with guys they claim to love and want to be with for the rest of their on the other hand I'd like to think that he'd find me somewhere in the beautiful Atlanta city, and sweep me off my feet. As much of a cliche that was, i really want that to happen. my Mr.Right has to be close to perfect, and the #1 thing i want from him is RESPECT, he needs to understand what it means and be able to show me too, 2ndly he needs to be smart, friendly towards me AND all my friends no matter what they are like. There's so much more i want in a man but i cannot begin to list them all because I'd never leave.
That's just a little segment of Mr.Right that has been on my mind for a longtime now, just thought to leave a little something for you wise ones.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

The Baddest Dudes Bday!!!

Today is not even a pretty day at all. Its so dull looking and wet outside, makes me want to stay home all day and just bum out completely but i really cant, i have to be at the mall with a friend of mine, plus I have to make some calls and try and GET A JOB...*sigh* life is not easy at all when you're an upcoming fashion designer/artist/blogger all my dreams.
So today is my dudes bday.....And she's so excited about it lol it's the cutest thing really, we're going to dinner tonight so it should be fun, will be back tomorrow to let you all know how much fun it was. 
Till then...signing out!

Hello ALL!

Hello Fellow Bloggers and Readers!

So we're new to this (and by we mean my alter ego and i...Lexi and Sayo), but very excited and can't wait to get started for real!!! We have a lot on our minds...quite often actually, so stay tuned and hope you enjoy what we have to say!!!

Smooches and Licks
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