Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Mr. Right

So about 3weeks ago, MDB and i were talking and obviously the topic of "guys" came up. She was telling me how she wanted to tell...(lets call him Todd) that she didn't want them to continue "talking" due to the fact that he lives in the UK and she lives here in the States. As she was preparing to tell him she was so scared and nervous about the whole thing because she still had a lot of feelings for him and she knew it was going to hurt him. --If you ask me though, i'd say he was close to being in love with her--anyway, she finally told him and he seemed to be a bit confused about what she wanted and what she was thinking, he seemed a little rude for a while but then i guess he decided to let it go and just agree to what it was she was saying. That's when i thought about the whole "relationship" thing and how important it was to TRY and find that Mr.Right.
--Every girl wants to meet her Mr.Right but no girl can predict who he is, what he looks like, how old he is etc. So i wonder to myself sometimes..."if by chance i met my Mr.Right, would i be able to recognize him? will i be nice to him or think he's 'just another guy' or will i keep him around?". So many 20 somethings out there are with guys they claim to love and want to be with for the rest of their lives...me on the other hand I'd like to think that he'd find me somewhere in the beautiful Atlanta city, and sweep me off my feet. As much of a cliche that was, i really want that to happen. my Mr.Right has to be close to perfect, and the #1 thing i want from him is RESPECT, he needs to understand what it means and be able to show me too, 2ndly he needs to be smart, friendly towards me AND all my friends no matter what they are like. There's so much more i want in a man but i cannot begin to list them all because I'd never leave.
That's just a little segment of Mr.Right that has been on my mind for a longtime now, just thought to leave a little something for you wise ones.
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