Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Spring Break

Hello my Sugar Lumps. How are you all doing?
*sigh* so as you can see the title of this post is 'Spring Break" and yes I am officially (well after my 3 classes in the am) on my break now. Gonna spend it faffing around with a very special friend of mine...should be fun!
Meanwhile it's 1:45am not exactly sure WHY I'm still up seeing as I am sooooooo tired, my eyelids are begging me but something in me isn't exactly ready to call it a night..hmmph! I was just going through Snow (my laptop), going through meaning I was looking at my pictures, notes, personal blogs and......*wait for it*......VIDEOS.
Guys, when I tell you I'm a weird child, best believe I mean it. LOL. There's this 'vlog' that I did ages ago and I just had to come here and share it with you guys seeing as it was MADE for you all anyways. I guess I just didn't have the guts to put it up...*Kanye shrug* well here it is =D. Enjoy and be safe
PS- *whispering it's 1:55am now and I'm STILL trying to upload this vlog *sigh*


Tuesday, February 23, 2010

I'm Addicted!

Hey beautiful people.
So honestly I am extremely bored in my Sociology class. All my Prof ever talks about it sex this sex that, it's kind of getting annoying in my opinion. I guess that's only because she's OLD and she's a feminist. (her ex husband must have done something terribly wrong that screwed her up).
Anyways I'd like t admit something to you all. I'm addicted to........MY BLACKBERRY and (i know there's more) ...I'm addicted to TWITTER. *covers face* It's so sad. On of my teachers emailed me the other day telling me about how she respects me and I'm a good student and all but i need to start putting my phone in my bag when I'm in her class. She also went on to say how I'm always on my phone doing one thing or the other. I felt bad because I like her, she's cool people's but I mean coooomon Mrs Merlin, it's my BLACKBERRY. i NEED my baby with me 24/7.
Sheesh some people are so clingy. She wants all my attention *flicks hair*....Now twitter is a different thing on it's own. I wake up in the morning and the after checking my Bb i open Snow (my laptop) and go straight to Tweetdeck (go download it if you don't have it, you won't regret it). I check if anyone has mentioned me while I was sleeping and all that good stuff.
***God please forgive me for not Praying first I'm working on my addiction***
So yeah *phew* felt so good to let that out. I feel like a new person. If you have any addictions and i mean ANY.. I'm ALWAYS here for you my darling =)
email me and what not
Love Ya

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

That Time of The Year Again!

Hey beautiful people so each year as Feb 10th roles by I cry...only because I miss my brother Derrick. This year I'm not as emotional as I usually am, nor do I feel angry or upset, which is a good thing. I know my brother is in a better place and all that good stuff. He's safe where he is =)
Meanwhile it's also Daddy's Birthday. I love that man so much. The things he does for me and says to me, help me be a better person! Love You Daddy!!!!
Ok soooooooooo my wknd was AH-MAY-ZING....was with T =). We chilled, had fun, went to the movies you know all that good stuff. Dude is pretty awesome....
Don't have much to say! But if you are reading this I LOVE YOU....
and HEY YOU (thats for James- my new readerrrrrr)

Tuesday, February 2, 2010's Feb 2010 ALREADY???

Hello beautiful people.
I honestly don't think i have a legit excuse as to why i haven't been blogging. It's just SAD =( (forgive me all).
So YES it's already February...i swear time flies when your having fun right? The main reason I'm having fun is because of this new 'love interest' I have. Ok I know how that may sound, I'm NOT in love with him..I'm just really fond of him, I enjoy his company whether over the phone, skype, bbm, even when we are tweeting...(I NEVER mention him though but he knows I'm talking about him). He's just fun in general.
Alrighty enough about him. February is a pretty important month to me for  various reasons, jsut to name a few though we have:
a) Daddy's Birthday =)
b) Derrick (that's all i'll say)
c) Valentine's Day *yuck* (I'm just hating really)
d) Black History Month
I mean even with all these events, doesn't mean I'm going to be busy so it's all good! Now i know a lot of folks who are looking forward to Valentine's Day. Lol the thought a lone makes me *cringe* I don't know if it's because I don't have a significant other but the thought of Love + Sayo just seems funny. Best believe I can like someone a lot and yes possibly love him, but I don't think I'll be myself....I'll be too mushy and that's something I really don't like. Th e fact that people change when they are in love..I mean WHY and HOW does that even happen? Yes your 'lover' should be able to make you a better person but when people turn GAY because they are in a relationship i cringe lol...*sigh* the topic of Love and I will never understand each other.
There is this one particular issue I have though. So my 'love interest" (lets call him....T) is pretty cool and all, has his head screwed on tight, knows where he wants to be within the next 5years and how he wants to get there...all this is fabulous to me, I mean who doesn't want someone who knows where they are going right?...Now the ONLY thing I find hard to believe is the fact that he says he's NOT into relationships! Lol when he first told me I thought he'd get over it...ERROR. Dude meant it! Honestly on my part I'm not sure what I want right now, but I do know that I would possibly want something in the future. Future being the next few months or so. Ok as much as I sound like a hater for 'love' and 'mushy-ness' and all that, I'm not ruling it out of my life completely. And I'd so happy if he wouldn't either.
Look maybe I'm being selfish and all. For all I know T could have been hurt in the past several times and maybe he's just scarred or something. *Kanye shrug*. It's all good.....FOR NOW. We'll just see where it goes from step at a time right?
Well I'm off now...I have this NEW addiction. His name is Jack Bauer =) gonna go play with him now for ...the next 3hours or so till my next class!
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