Tuesday, February 9, 2010

That Time of The Year Again!

Hey beautiful people so each year as Feb 10th roles by I cry...only because I miss my brother Derrick. This year I'm not as emotional as I usually am, nor do I feel angry or upset, which is a good thing. I know my brother is in a better place and all that good stuff. He's safe where he is =)
Meanwhile it's also Daddy's Birthday. I love that man so much. The things he does for me and says to me, help me be a better person! Love You Daddy!!!!
Ok soooooooooo my wknd was AH-MAY-ZING....was with T =). We chilled, had fun, went to the movies you know all that good stuff. Dude is pretty awesome....
Don't have much to say! But if you are reading this I LOVE YOU....
and HEY YOU (thats for James- my new readerrrrrr)

1 comment:

  1. Awwww! I love how strong you are, God definitely pulls through for us in trying times! Lots of Lickssss :*


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